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Adding and subtracting composite equipment

Proven metal additive manufacturing process



Independent development of control and path planning software system

The large area plasma additive manufacturing equipment developed based on the robot platform, with forming size of 500mm x500mm x400mm, has the advantages of high forming efficiency of plasma directional energy deposition and good surface quality of milling processing, and can realize efficient and high-quality forming and in-situ repair of complex structures.

Molding size 500mm¡Á500mm¡Á400mm
Forming coaxial wire feeding, powder feeding, cutting
Forming material stainless steel, cobalt chromium alloy, titanium alloy, high temperature alloy, die steel and other metal powder

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Nuclear energy, ocean engineering manufacturing, aerospace, education and material experiments, etc

Laseradd-DED 500 metal additive and subtraction manufacturing equipment is a compound additive and subtraction manufacturing equipment developed by LASERADD based on directional deposition and 4-axis CNC milling. It combines the advantages of traditional additive and subtraction manufacturing methods and can process metal parts with complex structure with high precision, high surface quality and high efficiency. The facility provides complex structure metal additive and subtractive mixed manufacturing and field repair solutions. Low forming cost, high efficiency, milling composite to meet the requirements of higher dimensional accuracy, so that the production of parts more flexible.

4 axis CNC machine tool for reducing material platform
Molding size 400mm¡Á500mm¡Á200mm
Feeding powder in forming way

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Nuclear energy, ocean engineering manufacturing, aerospace, education and material experiments, etc

Laseradd-DED500Pro is a 5-axis CNC machine tool additive manufacturing system developed by LASERADD, which has plasma/laser additive manufacturing system with two energy sources, and integrates high-speed milling and laser impact strengthening modules.

5 axis CNC machine tool for reducing material platform
Molding size 400mm¡Á500mm¡Á400mm
Forming way feeding powder, cutting

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