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Application: aerospace, mold industry, automobile industry and other large size parts are widely used in the industry.



Dimetal-650 is the latest multi-laser large-size metal laser selection from Rega Zone melting equipment, forming size 625mmx625mmx1100mm. It is rega years of technology Accumulation of representative, but also at present the domestic market can be formed on the rare large size of laser selection Melting equipment. Dimetal-650 can be used in aerospace, die and mould industries, automotive and other industries Dimensional parts have a wide range of applications in the industry.


  • automobile
  • mould
  • Aerospace


Large size dual laser surface forming efficiently

Large forming size 625mmx625mmx1100mm, large precision parts are widely used

Intelligent operation design

Unattended automatic operation printing, automatic/manual control free switching, self-diagnosis function, safety protection and automatic failure report

Double circulation wind field protection system

Efficient operation of internal circulation and fresh air system, shielding of field mirror air shower ensures high quality and high precision of forming

Fully closed vacuum chamber

Oxygen content as low as 100PPM, to ensure that the metal is not oxidized


  • Device name


    Scanning system

    Scanning speed

    Molding cavity size

    The thickness of the layered

    Feeding way

    Molding material

    The operating system

    The control software

    The data format

    Power supply and power consumption

    External dimensions of equipment

    The environment temperature

  • DiMetal-650

    Infrared Ytterbium doped fiber laser 700W/1000W

    Dynamic focusing scanning system (4-8 galvanometer)

    The highest 34 m/s


    0.02 mm to 0.2 mm

    Double cylinder two-way powder feeding

    Stainless steel, cobalt chromium alloy, titanium alloy, die steel, high temperature alloy, aluminum alloy, copper alloy and other metal powder

    Windows 7 64 bits

    Independent development of control and path planning software system

    STL file or other convertible format

    380V AC 50Hz 25KW


    Operating temperature 15-30¡æ


